Ethan Vera

COO at Luxor Technology

⚡️ Trump, Biden or Bitcoin? VOTE NOW!

Happy 161-days A.H. everyone. Last week we casted our vote by partnering up with Core Scientific to mine a block for US Congress. Share with your Friends & Colleagues [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPONSORED BY EZ Blockchain EZ Blockchain [] has a number

Ethan Vera
Ethan Vera
Hashrate Index Newsletter

⚡️ Mining that was privatized, let it be nationalized

Happy 146-days A.H. everyone. After successfully reducing steel & agriculture production, the Venezuelan Government is eyeing the mining industry as the next area to nationalize. Share with your Friends & Colleagues [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPONSORED BY EZ Blockchain We are grateful for EZ Blockchain [https://www.ezblockchain.

Ethan Vera
Ethan Vera
Hashrate Index Newsletter

What is Bitcoin Mining Firmware?

Bitcoin mining firmware is often overlooked, but it's a vital component of any bitcoin mining stack.

Ethan Vera
Ethan Vera
Bitcoin Mining Guides

⚡️ Can't Let America Have All the Fun

Happy 130-days A.H. everyone. Saul Goodman would be having a field day in mining with all the lawsuits flying around. Following the Lancium v Layer1 legal battle, China had to join the party with Bitmain v Poolin. Share with your Friends & Colleagues [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPONSORED

Ethan Vera
Ethan Vera
Hashrate Index Newsletter

Mine a Bitcoin and Save a Life

Happy 115-days A.H. (After-Halving) everyone. “Aug-2023: Greta places an order for 30,000 S27 Pros in an effort to fight climate change”. Crusoe is proving that you can help the environment while making a profit in their latest partnership with Equinor, one of the largest oil companies in the

Ethan Vera
Ethan Vera
Hashrate Index Newsletter

ASIC Miner Management Guide & Reviews

Good ASIC management software is a crucial tool for any large bitcoin mining operation.

Ethan Vera
Ethan Vera
Bitcoin Mining Guides
bitcoin mining containers

Mobile Bitcoin Mining Shipping Container Guide & Reviews

Powerplants and electricity suppliers are becoming aware of the benefits of bitcoin mining for their operations. As such, mobile bitcoin mining setups are increasingly popular. In this comprehensive guide, we review the top Bitcoin mobile mining units.

Ethan Vera
Ethan Vera
Bitcoin Mining Guides

Lancium v. Layer1 (2020)

Happy 100-days A.H. (After-Halving) everyone. We have been talking about Controllable Load Systems for the past few months, highlighting their ability to transform the energy systems in North America for the better. Now the viability is being questioned as Lancium brings a patent lawsuit against Layer1 for leveraging this

Ethan Vera
Ethan Vera
Hashrate Index Newsletter