Bitcoin Mining Around the World

Our articles on Bitcoin mining sectors per country.

Bitcoin mining in Africa

Bitcoin Mining Around the World: Africa

From Ethiopia, to Kenya, to Nigeria, and beyond, Africa is quietly emerging as a Bitcoin mining hub.

Colin Harper Ethan Vera
Colin Harper / Ethan Vera
Hashrate Index Newsletter

Bitcoin Mining Around the World: Oman

Oman has the potential to become the biggest bitcoin mining hub in the Middle East.

Jaran Mellerud
Jaran Mellerud
Bitcoin Mining Around the World

Bitcoin Mining Around the World: United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates is the fastest-growing bitcoin mining hub in the Middle East.

Jaran Mellerud
Jaran Mellerud / Erick Vera
Bitcoin Mining Around the World

Bitcoin Mining Around the World: Finland

Finnish bitcoin miners are uniquely positioned to become world leaders in heat recovery.

Jaran Mellerud
Jaran Mellerud
Bitcoin Mining Around the World

Bitcoin Mining Around the World: Kazakhstan

Kazakh bitcoin miners stand at a crossroads as a new bitcoin mining law is being implemented.

Jaran Mellerud
Jaran Mellerud
Bitcoin Mining Around the World

Bitcoin Mining Around the World: Kyrgyzstan

Bitcoin mining could help finance the buildout of hydropower plants in Kyrgyzstan.

Jaran Mellerud
Jaran Mellerud
Bitcoin Mining Around the World

Bitcoin Mining Around the World: Iceland

Iceland is the biggest hashrate producer per capita globally.

Jaran Mellerud
Jaran Mellerud
Bitcoin Mining Around the World
Bitcoin mining in Paraguay

Bitcoin Mining Around the World: Paraguay

Paraguay is a rising leader in Latin America's Bitcoin mining industry.

Colin Harper
Colin Harper / Erick Vera
Hashrate Index Newsletter